
Foxhollow Farm Tacos with Pickled Vegetables, Goat Cheese & Microgreens

  Tacos are so wonderfully adaptable, their malleability making them the perfect dish to experiment with in the kitchen.  With that spirit in mind, this recipe takes tacos down a slightly different path… a path paved with pure grass fed goodness from Foxhollow Farm.  Gone is the overly seasoned, overly processed, mass produced ground beef.  Here instead the natural flavors …


Pizza with Butternut Squash Puree, Goat Cheese & Pancetta

I absolutely love having friends and family over for dinner.  I look forward to it like a child looks forward to Christmas morning.  I’ll spend the weeks leading up to the dinner making list after list (I’m a self-declared list-making addict), processing my thoughts, playing with different menu ideas and driving my husband crazy with ‘what do you think about…’ …