Halfway to Derby
Inspired by the mint julep, this stirred cocktail is a perfect drink for a cold winter evening in the Bluegrass, as we begin the annual downhill slide toward the first Saturday in May.
Makes One Cocktail
Recipe by Z
4 oz. Mint Lemongrass Tea-Infused Bourbon (see below)
.5 oz Simple Syrup
3 dashes peach bitters
1 lemon twist
Rinse a chilled coupe glass with peach bitters and dump. Stir the infused bourbon and simple syrup over ice, then strain into coupe. Squeeze the lemon twist over the drink and garnish.
Mint Lemograss Green Tea-Infused Bourbon
recipe adapted from the Death & Co Cocktail Book
Individual serving:
In a container, combine a heaping ½ tablespoon of loose mint lemongrass tea and 4 oz. bourbon and stir well. Let stand at room temperature for 1 hour and 45 minutes, stirring occasionally. Strain through a cheesecloth-lined sieve.