Often lauded as the most important meal of the day, breakfast is something Z and I celebrate on the weekends. Weekday mornings are generally rushed, an English muffin with peanut butter and jelly all I can manage to throw together as I jet out of the door. Highly unglamorous, this meal is purely functional, giving me a start to the …
The Savoy Cocktail Book & the Million Dollar Cocktail
Z came across The Savoy Cocktail Book while perusing the various titles both old and new in Omnivore Books on Food, a culinary-themed bookshop we discovered during our recent trip to San Francisco. Originally published in London in 1930, The Savoy Cocktail Book is a compilation of classic recipes which have been celebrated with flourish at the American Bar, located …
Christmas Eve Egg Nog
Egg nog on Christmas Eve was as sure a thing as Santa Claus on Christmas morning. As a child, few things were more challenging to the spirit than the excruciatingly long hours of the night before Christmas. The concept of having to wait even the slightest moment longer for Santa’s arrival was beyond comprehension. One had to dig deep down …
Farmer’s Market Hash
I have no idea why it took me so long to commit to a CSA. Short for Community Supported Agriculture, I wrote a check to a local farmer named Pavel in April. In exchange, he promised to provide me with farm-fresh, chemical-free veggies raised with organic and biodynamic farming methods in mind. While the amount of the check felt a bit hefty in …
Uova da Raviolo with Truffles
I remember when I was a little girl and I absolutely refused to eat the yolk of an egg. My Mom would always cook our eggs sunny-side-up, the yolk medium set. My little hands would cut around that yellow-orange mystery ball with incredible precision, being ever so cautious to ensure that the whisper-thin seal did not break, pouring over my silky-sheen egg …
Poached Eggs with Lentils
I’m trying to mix it up a bit. It’s a new year and, while I will remain forever loyal to my pantry standards, I have resolved to amp up my foodie-exploits and to think outside of the proverbial box. Not that lentils are going that far out on a limb, but they are a hearty and welcome change of pace …
Poached Egg and Pancetta Salad with Champagne Vinaigrette
I have been teaching myself to poach eggs for a while now, finding it to be easier and at the same time harder than I expected. Place an egg in hot water and stir – pretty basic, right? But wait, why is there so much egg white floating around the water now? And how in the world can I get …
Penne with Italian Sausage, Peas and Egg
I won’t apologize. I LOVE PASTA. Any shape, any sauce, I’ll be happy. It’s been my favorite since I was a little girl; although I have to say I’ve come a long way from overcooked angel hair with Wishbone Italian Dressing (I know, I know, but it’s really not as bad as it sounds!)… Any how, this combo of sausage, …